Sunday, January 13, 2013

Two Humps / 0 Degrees

Backcountry ski on the west side of Monarch Pass

Highway 50 west--and, more important, the Continental Divide.  In South Park it's -25 degrees as we drive west over Wilkerson Pass.

We get right on the trail; some blue sky and zero degrees F

We're frosty, but happy

The ridge above Monarch Ski Area sort of peeking out from the trees

A rare, actual use of poles
And, so, we end as we begun, except for the snotcicles--note the meager plow banks next to the parking area

Sunday, January 6, 2013

1st Backcountry Ski/'12-'13 Season

And, Mayflower Gulch it is!

Yeah, there's snow & yeah, it's cold

Roadside attraction

Sam at the basin

IN the basin
Near the end of our venture

Into the void

New Year's Day