Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Amsterdam 12/20 - 12/23/16

On the way to Portugal we scheduled an extended layover in Amsterdam.
The weather was cool and overcast but not bad for late December.

Amsterdam is a  city of bicycles.  This is the train and bus station near our AirBnB, a suburb laid out in the 70's with walking/biking paths at ground level and mass transit elevated.  An outdoor mall here provided us with a variety of food and drink, the train got us to downtown Amsterdam and the bus to an from the Schiphol.
And, so, we hopped the train, which went underground after our neighborhood, and emerged downtown.
Every big city park has got to have pigeon people.
Even on a dreary day the many cheese shops are warm and inviting--plenty of Gouda.
yeah, well....
Soon we took to the canals in an enclosed, heated touring boat.

Gables are a common feature of traditional Amsterdam architecture.  Here we have neck, funnel and a small bell gable.
We took to side streets
and, besides the iconic lady in her underwear behind a glass door, we found a small Dutchy themed lunch place--with a cat!
After this we were mostly in transit, including loosing my iPhone on the bus to the airport, ending up in Portugal!